Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hello 2013, goodbye least for a few months._

At restaurants. While my family is having conversations. Riding as a passenger in a car, or when I am driving myself but stopped at red lights. Commercial breaks from favorite television shows.  Waiting in line at the bank. Soaking in my beloved bubble baths. Standing on my porch while Pete and Belle take a potty break.  At the gym while I'm actually running on a treadmill or sweating it out on an elliptical machine. Waiting on the laundry (and I mean while standing in front of the washing machine waiting for the spin cycle to finish; God forbid I'd let two minutes pass!). On the toilet...okay, this last event may be a bit to much information, but these are just a few of the daily events occurring in my life, occurring with me personally, as I check or post to my Facebook page. iPhone in hand at all times, it had become a major problem, dare I say an addiction, and I had to tackle it before it grew out of hand-so as of New Years Eve, I deactivated my Facebook account.  Or I should say temporarily did so, for at least three months. Anyone who is a part of my life knows me to be somewhat of a passionate person. In the movie (my favorite movie of all time by the way) Gone With The Wind, sweet, serene,  Melanie Wilkes comes to feisty Katie Scarlett O'Hara's defense and declares that Scarlett isn't the troublemaker she is in fact being accused, but that she is rather "high spirited, and vivacious"...I like to think the same adjectives describe yours truly. I say this because really, in no matter what I do or take on in life, I give it my all. For example, when I started running to alleviate the stress and frustration from dealing with my parents divorce after 39 years of marriage, I trained for and ran the Nashville marathon. Graduating high school with an embarrassingly low GPA (but God did I have FUN!!), at the age of 30 I figured I'd try college (and what the heck, have another baby too!) and graduated Cum Laude. I love my job as a substitute teacher, and my students indeed refer to me as "enthusiastic". Wine is a passion and I was absolutely afraid I would have a problem cutting back on the vino, but after day five of no Pinot Noir I had one glass and did just fine; I think I can go without Facebook...for three months anyway.  Keeping my fingers crossed, and in the meantime, this blog will have to suffice my "fan base".  Wishing you all a very happy, and more importantly, healthy, 2013.
Love, Lynnie

1 comment:

  1. Please post often!!! Your "fan base" goes through legit withdrawals!!! xoxoxo
